The WeatherBug and WeatherBug Elite by Earth Networks, Inc for iPhone has just been re-released after some “renovations,” and are now showing off a new user interface.
The 3.0 of WeatherBug and WeatherBug Elite have new UI features that include quick navigation live tiles, and a right and left slide menu. Furthermore, WeatherBug and WeatherBug Elite have included other additions like lightning detection, as well as photos of weather conditions submitted by WeatherBug professional photogs…JUST KIDDING. Users will submit pictures.
Also, Earth Networks has now included some specific categories for weather searching like The GameDay Forecast will show the weather at all Major League Baseball stadiums, and The Family Forecast will help to make users outdoor planning easier for all events, even if they’re not with you family. And, since we know how health conscious everyone is these days, there is the Fitness Forecast section too, because you’ll need to know if it’s safe to go jogging outside, and do yoga in the park.
All-in-all, the new updates really help to give the app a more modern and innovative style to it.
WeatherBug and WeatherBug Elite are for the iPhone and iPod. They can be both downloaded right now in the App Store. The WeatherBug Elite will cost you $1.99, and the WeatherBug is free, but does have advertising on it.
The choice is yours. But make the right one and don’t even bother looking out your window. You can’t predict the future, but the WeatherBug can. Easy choice now, right?
wow thats great
want to start blog how and where go about it?