The Croods– The highly anticipated DreamWorks Animation film staring Ryan Reynolds has now been turned into a game by Rovio Entertainment Ltd, who are the innovative minds at DreamWorks, and the creators of Angry Birds, for iPhone, iPad, and iPod.
Now, if you are just as excited about rumored apps as we are, you’ve probably seen this video already. Fair assumption, too–since it has over 1.6 million views on YouTube.
Rovio Enterainment is reposnsible for all the those Angry Bird apps and games you see “flying around” the app stores (it seems like they have a new one almost every month), they instead chose to make The Croods a people management game–rather than being just a simple, physically-based puzzel game. So, yes…you wont be allowed to shoot the birds across a room to release Croods family members. However, users will haveto trap and tame 10 strange creatures, and it will also challenge you to invent other weird objects, as well as explore the prehistoric world with the Croods family. When was the last time you did that? Exactly.
Right now, The Croods can be found on the app store, and is free to play. However, there are some in-game items that can be purchased with your wallet.
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