17 Moves – Get the grey block on the right, and move it to the right wall. Once that’s done, move the right blue block to the grey block, and then you will want to turn it into stone. From there, move the top yellow block down to the space. Move the grey block over to the left wall. Move the top yellow block down onto the grey block and turn it into stone. Move the top left blue block down into its space
< 19 Moves – Get the two grey blocks down, and put them against the right wall. They need to be on-top of one another. From there, move the red block to the left, and then onto the last stone. Get the bottom grey block to the left and to the hole. Get the other grey block on-top of the other. From there, get the red block down and put it in the correct space.
34 Moves – Get the bottom left grey block down and move it into the first spot. Let the blue block drop down. From there, move the red block to the left side, just passed the blue block and into the correct hole. From there, move the grey block above the blue block down and into the next hole. Move the next grey block above the blue block down and past the yellow space. Move the yellow block down and to the left into its space. Move the blue block to the left into its space.
40 Moves – Get the grey block over to the right wall. From there, move the grey block on top, and have it fill the hole. Now move the blue block to the left, so it away from the hole. Get the two grey blocks over to the left. Get them from the left wall and move them next to one another. From there, move the red block to the left, and then down to the left to where its space is. Now get the far left yellow block into the correct hole, and turn that one into stone. Move the next yellow block down into the space. Get the blue block over and to the left into its correct space.
28 Moves – Move the bottom grey block down into the correct hole. Now move the blue block past the yellow block, and then down to the left into the correct spot. Get the left yellow block and move it to the open red space. Turn it into stone. The grey block down on top of the other grey block. Move the red block down and over to the right into its space. Move the grey block to the left into the hole. Move the yellow block down and to the left to its correct spot.
16 Moves – Get the right red bottom block to the left. Put it into the spot. Now move the left red bottom block to the left. Let go into the grey fire. It will turn into a grey block. From there, move it over two spaces, and then under the red space. Drop the top red block down onto the grey block and it will fill its space. Move the grey block to the right through the blue flame and down into its space.