
    • Don’t you just swipe your finger across their name on your list of players?

      Now I have a question – how do you get in contact with someone whose game ended that you were playing with? I can’t chat with this person anymore because our “game” has ended. this person is still showing up in my list of players but we can’t chat now or play a game.

      • u can’t if he deleted you …. So just delete him so that he doesn’t show up in ur list of players

  1. Still don’t get exactly the sequence of when a game starts and ends. I’m quick on the trigger, but not always quick with directions and concepts!! (ADHD) That’s why I stick to song lyrics! In the beginning, I play from the song list I choose, what happens to that, does it go to a player, and they challenge me? Is the game over when the coins are awarded? Is that the time to opt out if you don’t want to play any more? D.

    • When you choose a playlist, or song list, you have to have a guess at each of the 5 songs that get played. You either have to choose the song title, or the artist. Once you complete your five and review your times/score, the challenge is sent to the other person, who play the the same 5 songs in the same order.
      When someone has challenged you, first you will see the result of the prior game you sent them (they can’t challenge you until they have played your challenge and vice versa), then you will have to play the 5 songs from the playlist/songlist that your friend chose. You will see who won, and the distribution of coins, and the tally board for games played and won. Then you choose your list and continue as normal.

      Hope this helped


  1. […] Cada lista ofrece una dificultad distinta y además se incluyen temas de diferentes. Esta variedad permite que el Song Pop sea divertido para usuarios de todas las edades. “A través de la red social se pueden hacer torneos y se establecen tablas de posiciones con los puntajes de aquellos jugadores que tienen mayor conocimiento de la música, aquellos que logran descubrir los temas en muy poco tiempo y sin necesidad de utilizar trucos.” Vía: CoolAppsMan […]