KingHunt Cheats Pyramid
For the Pyramid World, you’ll be asked to defeat the Evil Pharaoh. You’ll have to slice through mummies, vases, vampires and a whole slew of random objects in this world, so slice like an Egyptian!
In most KingHunt worlds, you face bombs that will detonate and hurt you if sliced. To avoid this while still racking up points, slice the objects next to the bomb vertically.
Often times when the opportunity to level up occurs, you’ll also be faced with clusters. Make sure to swipe the “Level Up” star first. Clusters come and go, but chances to advance are more uncommon. If you wish to multitask, slice in a zig-zag pattern to accomplish both. Continue for the rest of the KingHunt cheats and walkthrough.
KingHunt Cheats Moon
For the final beginning world of KingHunt, you’ll have to destroy Sir Toaster. You will slice barrels, vikings and a myriad of other random objects. With a villian named Sir Toaster, randomness is to be expected.
Remember, slicing in one large swoop will earn you more points, allowing you to unlock more worlds and to complete levels quicker.
Don’t forget that the most effective way to destroy an enemy, is to slice in a zig-zag fashion.
Playing each of these five worlds multiple times, will earn you enough points to open other worlds, like KingHunt Bandit Road. Have fun, and slice away!